
Total: 295 Article

  • The 4 Diet MythsThe 4 Diet Myths
    There's nothing better we can do for ourselves than to become healthy through proper nutrition, but most people don't even come close to eating a healthy well-balanced diet. As a matter of fact, many people who think they're eating healthy really are victims of our soci…
  • Is Your Diet Making You Fat?Is Your Diet Making You Fat?
    Are you addicted to your next diet like an Alcoholic to his next drink? Do you feel great each time you start a diet and exercise then a let down when you fail, like the high and low of a junkie with each fix?Science has shown that stress actually causes abdominal fat. …
  • Tips for Including More Delicious Fruits and Vegetables in Your DietTips for Including More Delicious Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet
    Just about everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are a very important part of a healthy diet. Even though we know this to be true, many of us still find it hard to include the recommended 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit per day in our diets. Onc…
  • The Fat of the Matter and Other Diet MythsThe Fat of the Matter and Other Diet Myths
    The Fat of the Matter and other Diet Myths By Dr. Nikki Goldman Ph.D. Caryn had spent most of the previous ten years on a diet. As a result, she was two sizes larger than when she first began. A binge followed each period of restriction. Her self-esteem was lower than e…
  • Take the Mystery out of the High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate DietTake the Mystery out of the High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate Diet
    HOW DO CARBOHYDRATES AFFECT YOUR WEIGHT?Carbohydrates are healthy, filling, satisfying and taste good, but they also can add weight. Much of the epidemic of obesity is attributable to a marked in crease in over-consumption of carbohydrates. Your body uses carbohydrates …
  • The Diet that is not Really a DietThe Diet that is not Really a Diet
    There is no need to starve in order to lose weight. You can eat as much food as you want, within reason, and lose weight. Just eat the right foods, and that is not too difficult if you know what to eat and drink. In fact you do not need to diet in the sense of going hun…
  • Easy Snack Ideas for a Healthy DietEasy Snack Ideas for a Healthy Diet
    Most experts agree that snacking is a part of a balanced and healthy diet, as long as the snacks donÕt pile on empty calories. Like any other part of your diet, it's important to put some thought into what kind of snacks to have on hand; otherwise it's all too easy to p…
  • 'Dieting 101' - For Those Who Want to Start But Don't Know Where to Begin'Dieting 101' - For Those Who Want to Start But Don't Know Where to Begin
    Okay, so you've read some of these articles, done your homework and now your finally ready to begin a diet and exercise program. But you still have this one same nagging question in the back of your mind... 'Where in the heck do I start?'Being lost in midst of all of th…
  • Diet Versus Exercise - What's the best way to lose weight?Diet Versus Exercise - What's the best way to lose weight?
    The debate rages on. What’s most important, a healthy, well-balanced diet or an active lifestyle that incorporates some type of exercise? Let’s take a close look at what each can do for us, and at what cost.Diet MindedEat less, weigh less. Simple –right? But from Atkins…
  • A Healthy Diet For LifeA Healthy Diet For Life
    Having established that your body needs a well balanced diet, with a good supply of carbohydrates, especially high - fiber foods, water vitamins and minerals, and a certain amount of protein, fat and bacteria, you need to know how to put it into practice. Much media att…

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