Thursday, December 16, 2021

Diet for beautiful skin

Beauty depends not only on our genes, but also on the food we eat. And if we can't do anything with our genes, eating a little beauty for ourselves is something everyone can do. Adding these foods to your menu includes ingredients that are important for skin health and beauty.

They are rich in the antioxidant vitamin E and protect skin cells from free radical damage. Eat 10 nuts every day. Almonds are a great choice for an afternoon snack. It can be added to muesli and salads.

Contains carotene, which gives the skin a pleasant golden color. A healthy alternative to unhealthy sunbathing habits to get rid of office paleness. By the way, now it's a fashion trend. Eat 1 carrot a day. To assimilate carotene, add a drop of vegetable oil or a piece of oily fish to the vegetable. Caution, excessive passion for carrots will give the skin and whites of the eyes a yellowish tint to hepatitis.

Contains omega-3 acids, vitamin D and selenium to effectively reduce redness, inflammation and irritation of the skin. Reduce the severity of wrinkles. Eat grilled salmon or grilled salmon 2-3 times a week.

From a skin health point of view, we are primarily interested in the vitamin biotin they contain. When produced in insufficient amounts by the body (such as an imbalance in the gut flora), the synthesis of the biotin-related protein carotene stops. As a result, the skin becomes dry and lethargic, the hair begins to crack and fall out, and the nails become brittle. I eat eggs every day.

Moisturizing, moisturizing and moisturizing - the main commandments of beauty. Drink 2 liters of water a day. The best option is clean water.

It is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. Collagen is a kind of skin skeleton. If not enough, the skin begins to sag and facial features usually lose their clarity. Hello, I am old. I eat a bowl of spinach every day.

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