Thursday, December 16, 2021

How to control your appetite for weight loss


One of the biggest obstacles to losing weight  is your appetite. As soon as we decided to lose weight, we realized that we wanted to eat right away! We have compiled a list of foods that can help suppress your appetite.

  • Water

The calorie content of water is a feast for those who want to lose weight. It has zero calories in its pure form. Nutritionists often recommend drinking a glass of water 15-20 minutes before meals. Then you will eat much less during meals. Dietitians' advice to 'I want to eat and drink' is not so simple. We drink water when we are hungry because our bodies sometimes confuse hunger and thirst (!). This is a great way to get rid of extra calories. By the way, the whole food system was even  developed on the basis of water, water  or a lazy diet.

  • Apples

This fruit contains  useful vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber,  which makes you feel full quickly and suppresses your appetite. Apples  are low in calories (45-47 kcal per 100 g), making them a good snack between meals.

  • Flax-seed

This protein source is rich in fatty acids and soluble fiber, making it ideal for those looking to control their appetite. Flaxseed can be added to natural low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, or salads to incorporate into your diet to make you feel fuller faster and longer while eating less per meal.

  • Almond

Almonds are a good source of healthy fats. Just a  handful of almonds is enough to make you feel full, making them perfect for snacking. However, nuts in general and almonds in particular have the following characteristics: It does not  suppress your appetite right away. So don't be too obsessed with almonds. Nuts are difficult to digest and  are  very high in calories, so eating too much will make your stomach feel heavy (100g contains an average of about 645 kcal).

  • Avocado

Avocados contain oleic acid. When it enters the body, the brain receives a signal of satiety. Avocados also contain healthy vegetable fats. Although they are highly nutritious and digest quickly, they give the body a feeling of fullness for a long time.

  • Legumes

Beans (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas...) are high in soluble fiber, complex carbohydrates and healthy proteins. They are absorbed more slowly by our body, giving us a  feeling of fullness that lasts longer. Additionally, legumes may reduce  appetite at the chemical level. The special components of trypsin and lectin inhibitors stimulate the release of the hormone cholecystokinin. It slows gastric emptying and helps us feel full again.

  • Caffeine

It is believed that caffeine suppresses appetite, but this is only partially true. Caffeine causes different reactions in men and women. A study from Laval University of Canada found that consuming caffeine 30 minutes before a meal reduced men's food intake by 22%. In addition, in the case of men, consuming 300 mg of caffeine (3 cups of coffee) activates the sympathetic nervous system, causing additional energy consumption. When caffeine enters a woman's body, an energy conservation mechanism works, so the presence of caffeine does not  affect intake.

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