Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How to lose weight quickly. Nutritionist advice. First week

In the spring, a woman always wants to be even more beautiful and slender. So it's time to lose weight! And in order for the self-improvement process to be effective and useful, every week during March we will talk about sports exercises for different problem areas and a diet for proper weight loss. Create a menu for the first week of spring you will Mariyat Mukhina, a nutritionist, reflexologist, MD, author of over 40 scientific publications. 

To lose weight quickly and without harm to your health, especially if your lifestyle involves physical activity (exercise at home or in the gym), carefully consider your diet.

The principles of good nutrition:

  • Observe your daily protein requirement for fat breakdown. Calculating it, at first glance, is simple: 1 g of pure protein per 1 kg of your weight. But, given that in any protein product the protein itself is only 20-30%, do not forget to multiply your kilograms by a factor of 3.3. It is better to divide protein foods into two meals - breakfast and lunch.
  • Actively introduce carbohydrates with a low glycemic index into the diet, mainly vegetables and fruits that can be cooked or served fresh for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Don't forget about complex carbohydratesThis is especially true for those who are actively involved in the gym, since it is complex carbohydrates that are the source of glucose, which is deposited in muscle glycogen and ensures their performance. For breakfast you can cook oatmeal, buckwheat (instead of "buckwheat"), barley porridge.
  • Replace sugar with natural sweetener stevia , and sweet desserts with dietary ones: jam with stevia and dried fruits.
  • Replace bread with bran, preferably ground granular. They need to be introduced into the diet daily.
  • Observe the daily fluid intake - drink at least 2-2.5 liters.
  • Take food 5 times a day: breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.
  • Remember caloriesOn average, there should be no more than 3000 of them per day. In order not to consume too much energy, which ultimately provokes excess weight, see the food calorie table.
  • And, most importantly: when making up the daily menu, try to diversify it as much as possible so that the diet is not accompanied by the stress of hunger torture, and the food is enjoyable.

Slimming menu for a week


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal or 100 g of cottage cheese 0% with assorted fruits - apple, pear, kiwi, peach and 2 tbsp. l. ground granular bran. 150 ml of tea with milk or coffee.
  • Lunch.3-5 pcs. dried apricots. Tea, juice or coffee
  • Dinner. Roasted beef with vegetables . Cooked: beef - 150 g, vegetables - 200 g. Salad with fresh cucumber .
  • Afternoon snack.3-5 pcs. prunes, tea, coffee with milk
  • Dinner.200 g pears, 2 tablespoons granulated bran, low-fat kefir.


  • Breakfast. Wild rice porridge or fresh tomato salad and 50 g of boiled meat. 150 ml of tea or coffee with milk.
  • Lunch.3-5 pcs. dried apricots, tea, juice or coffee
  • Dinner. Fish with vegetables . Cooked: fish -150 g, vegetables - 200 g.
  • Afternoon snack.3-5 pcs. prunes, tea, coffee with milk
  • Dinner. Fruit salad and 2 tbsp. l. granulated ground bran.


  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge or cauliflower salad . 150 ml of tea with milk or coffee.
  • Lunch.3-5 pcs. dried apricots, tea, juice or coffee
  • Dinner. Pork with vegetables . Cooked: pork -150 g, vegetables-200 g.
  • Afternoon snack.3-5 pcs. prunes, tea, coffee with milk
  • Dinner. Baked apples and 2 tbsp. l. granular bran (can be added to kefir).


  • Breakfast. Barley porridge and 100 g of cottage cheese 0% with assorted fruits - cherries, pears, tangerines, grapefruit and 2 tbsp. l. ground granular bran. 150 ml of tea with milk or coffee.
  • Lunch.3-5 pcs. dried apricots, tea, juice or coffee
  • Dinner.Boiled or stewed chicken with vegetables . Cooked: chicken -150 g, vegetables - 200 g.
  • Afternoon snack.3-5 pcs. prunes, tea, coffee with milk
  • Dinner. Vegetable stew . Cooked - 200 g.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal or Greek salad and 50 g of boiled fish.
  • Lunch.3-5 pcs. dried apricots, tea, juice or coffee
  • Dinner. Liver garnished with vegetables . Cooked: liver - 150 g, vegetables - 200
  • Afternoon snack.3-5 pcs. prunes, tea, coffee with milk
  • Dinner.200 g peach with 2 tbsp. l. granular bran.


  • Breakfast. Millet porridge or eggplant caviar with 2 tbsp. l. granulated bran and 50 g of boiled lean pork. 150 g of tea with milk or coffee.
  • Lunch.3-5 pcs. dried apricots, tea, juice or coffee
  • Dinner. Squid with vegetables . Cooked: squid - 150 g, vegetables - 200 g.
  • Afternoon snack.3-5 pcs. prunes, tea, coffee with milk
  • Dinner.200 g grated carrots, 2 tbsp. l. ground granular bran.


  • Breakfast.Snack or salad with couscous or chicken with vegetables . In the prepared form: chicken - 50 g, vegetables - 150 g. 2 tbsp. l. ground granular bran. 150 ml of tea with milk or coffee.
  • Lunch.3-5 pcs. dried apricots, tea, juice or coffee
  • Dinner.150 g of boiled tongue and 200 g of fresh cabbage and carrot salad with vegetable oil.
  • Afternoon snack.3-5 pcs. prunes, tea, coffee with milk
  • Dinner.200 g of fruit, 2 tbsp. l. granular bran, can be added to yogurt (0%).

Observing this menu and visiting the gym at least 3 times a week, where you have to work out with a personal trainer, who will select an individual and most optimal program for you, it is really possible to part with 2-3 kilograms per week.

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