Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Lose Weight Wisely: 6 Simple Steps to Slimming

Losing weight at any cost is usually not a pleasure. How to correctly set up the task for yourself and achieve the desired indicators, while not harming your health?  RPN and FRC nutrition and biotechnology experts answer the most popular questions. 

1. How to calculate your calorie intake?

When calculating the daily calorie content of a diet, it should be understood that  individual proportions are influenced by many more indicators than  can be included in the formula. Ideally, first measure the bioimpedance, which determines the composition of the body's water, fat and muscle tissue. It's very useful to do this research over time to get a clear picture of what body composition components you're losing weight on and to avoid losing muscle mass instead of fat.

However, not everyone wants to go to a specialist, so nutritionists recommend the MifflinSan Geor formula to approximate your individual energy needs.

men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (g) + 5) x CA;

women: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (g) - 161) x CA.

CA - coefficient of physical activity: 

With minimal activity (sedentary work) KA = 1.2.

With weak (1-2 short workouts per week or walking) CA ​​= 1.375.

With an average (3-4 workouts per week) CA = 1.55.

At high (classes up to 5 times a week for more than an hour) CA = 1.725.

This formula calculates your average daily calorie requirement. It is important to periodically recalculate, especially as your weight changes when you lose weight. Every £5 returned is a reason to be detailed, such as your next birthday. But remember, just in case after 35 years your metabolism slows down and you need to subtract 100 more calories from the norm.

There are other formulas for calculating energy demand, such as Harris-Benedict. Recently, various gadgets have appeared that allow you to determine the energy expenditure for each type of physical activity. Any method can be used. The most important thing is to structure your diet taking into account your individual energy needs.

2. At what pace do you need to switch to your rate?

First you need to decide how much you actually spend and spend per day. To be honest, no one will know if you count. But count all the berries and cookies. It's important to understand what  real numbers are. Buy a scale, download a mobile application (which is a lot and  convenient), measure  distance traveled and  time of physical activity. Sleep also consumes a certain amount of energy, so record everything.

After a week or so of meticulous writing, you can get an idea of ​​your average daily calorie intake. Then compare it to the standard and take action. It is recommended to lose 100 kcal per week. That is, you should reduce your usual daily diet by 100 kcal and live like this for a week. Then subtract 100 again, then subtract again in a week. It is important to maintain an activity level while doing this. This mode is psychologically comfortable  and physiological for the body. And  it all depends on the difference between tariffs and actual consumption.

3. How to set a goal competently for the long term?

It requires strong emotional motivation. New jeans, a picture of yourself slim, a beach dream, to be honest, it doesn't always work and it's not for everyone. The longer you live, the  easier it is to tune in and save the results. Set a goal of not fighting your  weight, so that the words "kilograms", "scales" per month do not become  strong stimulants. Agree what you get, not what you get rid of. By balancing your diet and maintaining your physical tone, you can maintain your health and mood. And as a side effect, the parameters of the picture return to normal.

Look at the whole process differently. It does not infringe on the body, meets all requirements and eats within  normal limits. This means that there should be no physiological hunger. All other disguised sensations are just brain tricks for quick pleasure, but wait a while and you'll realize that you're no longer dependent on those emotional shifts.

4. How to lose weight and not harm yourself?

In no case should you not sit on a single diet and diet in general. No calorie restriction below 1200 kcal for  long term. Remember that every day you need to meet all the needs of your body. Calculate your proportions and  gradually reduce the figure by 100-150 kcal per week. It should not cause any discomfort. Psychological weight loss is no more than 2 kg per month.

If you need to count calories, but don't eat with a calculator, you can develop bad habits and even stop enjoying your food. Do not overeat, do not move, do not contraindicate any food. Any delicacy can be allowed once a week. It is better to focus on how much you eat and on the diet itself.

It is important to remember that a low-calorie diet may not provide the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, in most cases, vitamin and mineral complexes in the form of dietary supplements should be consumed with food.

5. What can you eat when losing weight?

Weight loss is not a separate category of people. They, like everyone else, need protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber from complex carbohydrates, plenty of water and trace elements, vitamins, minerals, and more. For those who are losing weight, meal times and combinations are more important. Diet is very important. 56 times a day, between meals within 3.54 hours. That is, 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 23 snacks. In this case,  portions should be small, and the daily calorie content of the diet should not exceed the energy requirements. All carbohydrates should preferably be consumed in the morning.

Lunch can be multi-component. Dinner is mainly protein. Snacks are essential to  prevent overeating during dinner and keep  blood sugar levels stable. However, these should be  light and healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts, and cereal bread. And about the tasty and the harmful: do not give up completely. Eat in moderation and in small amounts. 2030 g pieces of dark chocolate  per day will  cheer you up and won't spoil your figure.

6. What to do if I “fell through”?

Last but not least, worry. First, take this as a signal. If it is broken, it means that psychological stress has accumulated and you have cut something  and applied pressure. Be loyal. There is no place to rush. Practice eating behavior at a comfortable pace, including rest and unload days.

Second, mistakes can be corrected. Yes, they couldn't contain themselves and ate something, and tomorrow they ate less  or walked an hour more. In the long run, a positive mental attitude  is far more important than suddenly consuming 200 extra calories. The main thing is not to do it systematically. Break the rules and decide on days when you can  eat  small amounts of food. And when counting calories, try to eat more calories per week than every day. It doesn't fall off day by day and the average weekly value is more informative.

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