Monday, December 20, 2021

Girls on a diet

Girls who want to become supermodels go on  extreme diets to the extent that their parents' hair stands up. Of course, dieting is far from the worst  a teenager can try to find meaning in themselves and in life. On the other hand, this is a time when food experiments can cause serious health problems. Do teens need to lose weight at all? So how?

Teens on diet and in numbers

70% of adolescent girls try a diet from time to time. According to a Canadian nutritionist at Laval University, a third of 9-year-old girls tried to restrict food to lose weight at least once. At the same time, girls' ideas about diet are unique. For example, you can declare meat or milk as enemy number 1. vegetables or cereals. For weeks they sit on the usual "bone soup", Japanese diet, fasting days and hunger strikes. All of this, of course, leads to an imbalance of nutrients in the menu.

Deficiencies usually occur in vitamins, trace elements, proteins, and complex carbohydrates, and these deficiencies appear immediately  in the form of various problems. Experts from the UK Food Standards Agency (UK) estimate that 46% of girls consume too little iron, leading to anemia. Because of the lack of magnesium and selenium in the menu, girls often feel bad and have headaches.

Many people basically do not eat oily fish and do not drink milk. Only 7% of teens eat the five servings of vegetables  recommended by nutritionists.

13-15 year-old obese girls actually make up a third. Others just think they're fat. To do a little: Learn to separate the virtual from the real and understand what will help you get rid of that extra weight reliably and painlessly.

Girls and hormones

Even before the onset of the first menstruation at the age of 11-12, girls  grow rapidly and begin to gain weight. At the developmental stage, they are two years ahead of boys, so sometimes they look too big and chubby for their classmates. This is physiological and very normal, but  girls are puzzled by this difference in weight categories. They want subtlety and vulnerability, like the heroines of glossy magazines and Instagram. Innocent kids are often unaware of the wide possibilities of Photoshop. There is also the fact that by 13-14, if a girl does not gain the necessary kilograms, the transition to a girl will be delayed and the hormonal background will collapse. Hormonal changes require great force in the body, so it is dangerous to starve during this period. And there is no need.

Girls stop growing two years after menstruation. If they don't gain more weight, the  extra pounds problem will go away on its own. With the same pounds, you will get thinner as you increase in height.

Body mass index

If a young woman is finally growing up and the thought of adding extra pounds remains, it makes sense to determine her body mass index. It's easy to do: Divide your weight in kilograms  by your height squared in meters. Indicators in 20-25 units are considered normal. Exceeding the norm requires getting rid of excess weight. But be gentle and do not rush. Weight loss issues do not tolerate fuss.

Eating and eating behavior of a teenage girl

A 13- 15-year-old girl needs to "eat" 2-2.5 thousand calories a day. At this time, she needs protein and vitamins, because hormones are being synthesized in her body. This means that you cannot give up meat, vegetables and fruits. She can limit fat and carbohydrates. It is impossible to completely discard them, they are necessary for an actively developing brain. It's good to forget about fried potatoes and grilled chicken in the supermarket, fatty sausages and sausages, dumplings, pizza and mayonnaise. Try it without bread, cake or chips!

If you want something sweet, try marmalade and marshmallows. They are high in sugar but low in fat. And this is great for weight loss. Alternatively, dried fruits  are very high in calories, but at the same time very useful..

Avoiding sweets and starchy foods

You should eat it 3-4 times a day, but in small portions. Snack with unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese before breakfast, meal plan, and dinner. You shouldn't delay dinner for 6-7 hours and  look in the refrigerator. Anything you eat before bed turns into fat.

Of course you have to move more. everyday. Walk, swim,  bike in the summer and ski in the winter for at least an hour. dance. play tennis This will tone up your tired body at school and activate the fat burning process when your body is in good shape.

IMPORTANT: Recent studies suggest that you sit less at your computer and sleep more. Lack of sleep leads to weight gain.

Girl on a diet

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