Friday, December 17, 2021

How to cook buckwheat


How to cook buckwheat? This is not a pointless question, especially for those under 30. In our country,  representatives of the old generation have come to give preference to buckwheat (these are the people who sweep  off store shelves during the  economic crisis). But the day comes when a girl or a young man who is separated from her parents suddenly wants to remember the taste of that very mother's porridge served with milk or  meat sauce. And  strange things happen. Someone who doesn't think there's anything complicated in this matter, bothered Google, and didn't cook buckwheat like pasta. Someone calls mom or researches recipes on the Internet. But to be honest,  nothing happens at first. The buckwheat is too thin and then dry or tasteless. Therefore, today we decided to disassemble the entire process of preparing this cereal "reactor" and write clear instructions, so how to cook buckwheat.

  • buckwheat groats (unground) - 2 cups
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • water - 4 glasses
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.


Step 1
Photo of the recipe: How to cook buckwheat, step number 1
The buckwheat is well sorted, laid out on the table in one layer and rinsed in several waters. drain into colander
Step 2
Photo of the recipe: How to cook buckwheat, step number 2
Heat a dry skillet and fry the buckwheat, stirring continuously, until golden brown for 4-5 minutes. Pre-frying the flakes makes them tastier, brittle and  reduces  cooking time.
Step 3
Photo of the recipe: How to cook buckwheat, step number 3
Boil  water with a little salt in a large saucepan. The ratio of water to grain is always the same. 1 part  buckwheat, 2 parts  water. Pour in the roasted buckwheat and bring to a boil over high heat.
Step 4
Photo of the recipe: How to cook buckwheat, step number 4
Remove the foam with a slotted spoon and add vegetable oil. Reduce the heat and boil the buckwheat for 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and simmer for a few more minutes.

Cook buckwheat until almost cooked 1-1.5 hours before serving. First, wrap the pot  in 2-3 layers of paper (newspaper is ideal),  then wrap it in a woolen blanket and place it in a warm place. Buckwheat is soft, airy and very tasty.


Many buckwheat producers  claim that the flour can now be cooked immediately without pre-washing and sorting. However, practice shows that it is better to spend a few minutes and do it. The taste of the finished dish can only benefit from this.


Preparation time
1 h 30 min
Cooking time
15 minutes
Complexity of preparation
Calorie count
209.6 kcal
6.9 g
5,9 g
34.2 g
A source
"Grocery School"
06 (200) March 2012

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